Asbestos Management Plans

Asbestos Management plans should cover responsibilities, training and procedures to prevent disturbance to the asbestos


Asbestos Management Plans

Asbestos Management plans should cover responsibilities, training and procedures to prevent disturbance to the asbestos

Asbestos Management plans should cover responsibilities, training and procedures.

Asbestos management plans are put in place to prevent disturbance of asbestos containing materials and prevent exposure to individuals and employees who may be at risk of coming into contact with them. EMS are qualified and experienced allowing us to work with clients to develop, initiate and maintain an asbestos management plan proportionate to your business and products identified.

The Duty to Manage Regulations set in out in regulation 4 of the Control Of Asbestos Regulations 2012 state that an Asbestos Management Plan must be written by a competent person and reviewed annually.

EMS is able to assist you with this, and has written and implemented asbestos management plans for small landlords and private clients to well known high street retail chains with over 800 retail units. EMS have written Asbestos Management Plans of all sizes including  ‘Group’ plans that cover 1000’s of properties internationally, which have included procedures for acquisitions, refurbishments and management through to plans of a few pages only.

Asbestos Management plans should cover responsibilities, training and procedures to prevent any disturbance to the asbestos containing material. It should also cover a schedule of re-inspection.EMS have P405 and S301 (BOHS Asbestos & Other fibres) qualified consultants able to assist you with every aspect of your Asbestos Management Plan.

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What is the duty to manage?

The duty to manage regulations set out in regulation 4 of the , require the duty holder of a property to:

Asbestos containing components were just as useful to the construction and engineering of a motor vehicle, for the same reasons as it was excellent for construction activities.

Presume materials contain asbestos unless there is strong evidence that they do not make, and keep up-to-date, a record of the location and condition of the asbestos-containing materials – or materials which are presumed to contain asbestos

Assess the risk of anyone being exposed to fibres from the materials identified

Prepare a plan that sets out in detail how the risks from these materials will be managed

Take the necessary steps to put the plan into action

Periodically review and monitor the plan and the arrangements to act on it so that the plan remains relevant and up-to-date

Provide information on the location and condition of the materials to anyone who is liable to work on or disturb them

How do I know if I am the duty holder?

Any duty holder of a non-domestic building is required by law to manage the asbestos. This is called ‘Duty to Manage’ and applies to individuals who own or are responsible for premises such as a shop or industrial unit, or any property area which is open to the public or workplace through an explicit agreement such as a tenancy agreement or contract.The extent of the duty will depend on the nature of that agreement. In some cases, there may be no tenancy agreement or contract. Or, if there is, it may not specify who has responsibility for the maintenance or repair of non-domestic premises. In these cases, or where the premises are unoccupied, the duty is placed on whoever has control of the premises. Often this will be the owner.

In public buildings such as hospitals, schools and similar premises, the identity pf the dutyholder will depend on how the responsibility for maintenance of the premises is allocated.


What is an Asbestos Register?

An asbestos register is produced following the completion of an asbestos management survey. The asbestos register details where asbestos is in a building, or where it may be located in order to manage risk. The asbestos risk register is a key component of the required plan on how you will manage any asbestos found, or presumed to be, within a building. This management plan must contain current information about the presence and condition of any asbestos in the building. This management plan must contain current information about the presence and condition of asbestos in the building.

What is an asbestos management plan and priority assessments?

The asbestos risk register will therefore need to be updated on a regular basis (at least once a year). The material assessment identifies the ‘high-hazard’ materials, ie. those materials which will most readily release airborne fibres if disturbed. It does not automatically follow that those materials assigned the highest score in the material assessment will be the priority for remedial action.

Priority must be determined by carrying out a risk assessment (ie. A priority assessment which will take into account factors such as:

The location of the material

The extent of the material

The use to which the location is put

The occupancy of the area

The activities carried on in the area

The likelihood/frequency with which maintenance activities are likely to take place

The priority assessment can only be carried out with the detailed knowledge of all these factors. The surveyor can help with this process, by obtaining information will contribute to the priority assessment, particularly in a small or simple premises where information on occupancy and use is straightforward. The combined material and priority assessment results should be used to establish priority for those ACMs needing remedial options and the type of action that will be taken. There are various. This forms the basis of the asbestos management plan.

If refurbishment or demolition works are planned on site, further responsibilities must be fulfilled. EMS have a team of qualified asbestos consultants to either work with you to produce a plan, produce an Asbestos Management Plan for you and to help implement it or even to take complete responsibility for your asbestos.

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here to assist you from initial risk assessment through to ongoing management and remediation

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