Background and Reassurance Asbestos Air Testing & Monitoring

Asbestos air testing and monitoring provides valuable information on the amount of airborne asbestos fibres in an area or room


Background and Reassurance Asbestos Air Testing & Monitoring

Asbestos air testing and monitoring provides valuable information on the amount of airborne asbestos fibres in an area or room


EMS provides asbestos air monitoring to assess airborne fibre levels before, during and after work that may disturb asbestos. Our fully independent team offers trusted, impartial results, ensuring you receive clear guidance on the air testing results in the affected areas. Contact us to receive a quote tailored to your project’s specifications.


Asbestos Air Testing

Air monitoring for asbestos is the process of measuring airborne asbestos fibre levels in a specific area, either as background levels, for reassurance during works, or after asbestos has been disturbed accidently. This testing method involves drawing a known volume of air through a filter, which captures airborne fibres. The filter is then examined to assess fibre concentrations, giving property owners, contractors and clients a clear understanding of air quality. This reassurance from experienced and competent asbestos analysts helps confirm that the volume of asbestos fibres remains below the safe control limits and meet the strict health and safety regulations regarding working with asbestos.

(UKAS): EMS provides UKAS-accredited asbestos air sampling and testing services, guaranteeing compliance with stringent UK standards for asbestos management.

Air Monitoring Results: EMS’ air testing for asbestos collects data on asbestos fibre concentrations, giving precise insight into safety conditions during projects. Results are available immediately on site after each test is completed.

Personal Air Monitoring: Monitors can be placed on individual operatives to monitor their personal exposure and safety as well as to prove the control measures in place are effective.

Experienced Analysts: With fully qualified analysts who hold P403 and P404 qualifications, EMS brings extensive industry experience to every project.

Compliance: All air monitoring for asbestos undertaken by EMS complies with the highest safety standards and follows .

Detailed Reporting: EMS delivers thorough reports, including air monitoring data to provide essential information on levels of asbestos fibres in the air.

Nationwide Service: EMS analysts are equipped to conduct asbestos air testing throughout the UK, ensuring safety across various locations and sites.

Selecting a Competent Analyst

All asbestos analysts must be fully qualified and hold P403 and P404 qualifications. All EMS analysts have a minimum of 2 years practical experience, with most having over 10 years of experience. It is a legal requirement to be UKAS-accredited to ISO 17025 standard for asbestos air testing.

Air monitoring for asbestos works must be undertaken in line with ISO 17025 and carried out in accordance with HSE guidance ‘Asbestos: The analysts guide for sampling analysis and clearance procedures (HSG248)’ and ‘UKAS Lab 30’.

Asbestos Air Testing: FAQs

How much does air testing for asbestos cost?

The cost of asbestos air testing varies based on factors like the number of tests, duration and project specifics. The price will largely depend on the scale of the project. For an exact quote tailored to your situation, .

Who can carry out asbestos air testing?

Asbestos air testing can only be performed by UKAS-accredited companies ensuring all analysts are qualified professionals to ensure safety and compliance. EMS is accredited and our analysts hold the necessary P403 and P404 certifications, along with extensive field experience. to discuss your project and secure accredited air monitoring for asbestos.

What is background asbestos air testing and monitoring?

Asbestos background testing is a test undertaken to assess the air borne asbestos fibre levels within an area or location.

Why is background asbestos air sampling useful?

The background asbestos air testing and monitoring provides details on the asbestos fibre concentrations in the air.  The readings allow the ambient levels of fibres to be established in an area. This maybe to establish if there are airborne fibre levels from any materials in their existing environment, it could be useful to ensure that areas of a property are not being affected by works in other parts of the building.
The analysts count fibres of a certain size, it is not specifically asbestos fibres that are counted, therefore if works are planned, but there is a risk of the results being affected by other materials in the area or other air borne fibres, establishing background levels is important prior to commencing asbestos works, so that a comparison can be made.

When is background asbestos air testing required?

Background Air monitoring is normally carried out before or during asbestos removal works, or where asbestos is present within a property. Background air monitoring for asbestos allows for a detailed insight into the air in an affected area or surrounding areas. These tests can be used to determine whether projects are leading to increased asbestos fibre levels and allow for comparison of levels before, during and after project works.

What is asbestos reassurance air testing?

Reassurance asbestos air testing provides a reassurance that air borne fibre levels do not exceed the safe limits of asbestos fibres. Air samples are taken in an area of concern and the air borne fibres are counted to assess if the safe limits have been exceeded. For our expert services, .

When is asbestos reassurance air testing needed?

Reassurance air testing for asbestos is undertaken for a for a variety of reasons, the most common is during asbestos removal and remedial works. However, reassurance air testing can be undertaken following an incident or an unplanned disturbance of asbestos to check if the control limits have been exceeded.

Why might reassurance air testing be needed for licensed asbestos work?

During licensed asbestos removal or remediation works reassurance air testing can be undertaken in areas adjacent to the working enclosure to show that fibres are not present outside the controlled enclosure. This can be particularly useful to monitor waste and transit routes, the areas where the asbestos operatives move between the asbestos skip and the asbestos decontamination unit.
Reassurance air testing can also provide confidence to those not involved in the works, but are still utilising the building, that asbestos fibres are not present outside the enclosure.

Why might reassurance air testing be needed for non-licensed asbestos work?

Non-licensed asbestos removal or remediation works do not normally have an enclosure and therefore potential fibre release is not contained in the same way. Work is only classified as non-licensed if the work is assessed as not exceeding the control limits on fibre release, reassurance air testing can provide essential evidence to demonstrate the work is being carried out within the safe working limits. This is beneficial for the client and building owner as well as the remediation company and its operatives.

What other occasions might you need reassurance air testing?

If there has been an uncontrolled asbestos disturbance it may be necessary to assess the area for airborne asbestos fibres, to ensure it is safe for people to re-enter the area. Undertaking reassurance air testing will provide an indicator if the area is safe to access.
EMS can offer emergency cover / response should you have an unexpected incident or emergency

When is personal monitoring and air testing needed?

Most air testing is carried out with an area or location to assess general air borne fibre levels. The operatives undertaking the work with asbestos are much closer to potential fibre release and therefore the concentrations of fibres maybe higher.
Personal monitoring involves placing an air pump on the operative directly, with the pump drawing air from within the operative’s respiratory zone. These tests will provide a reading of the levels of fibres that the operative has been exposed to. Monitoring the operative’s exposure for all different tasks is a mandatory requirement for licensed asbestos removal companies. It is recommended and good practise for those undertaking non-licensed works.
In addition of providing exposure records for the operatives the results of the personal monitoring will assist the employer in ensuring they are undertaking works in the correct way and keeping fibre release as low as reasonably practicable. The results will help assess if further control measures are required.

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