Online Asbestos Management Software

Maximise Compliance, Efficiency & Accessibility.
Minimise Paperwork


Online Asbestos Management Software

Maximise Compliance, Efficiency & Accessibility.
Minimise Paperwork

EMS offer a complete online asbestos management system to facilitate and aid compliance for asbestos management.

It provides a ‘Client Portal’ and is CAR 2012 and HSG264 compliant.

The software provides a complete package, holding asbestos related data, survey and reinspection reports and remedial documentation.

The Client Portal allows access to a live register at any time via a device with an internet connection.

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EMS’s software package is called alphaTracker. Designed by Start Software, it is a highly effective asbestos management system.

The software is linked to the surveying package used by EMS to collect data during surveys and produce the survey reports. During this process we are also able to convert data into ‘client visible’ data forming the client portal which offers a live asbestos register.

There are several options for displaying client data. These include manually searching for sites or searching via location. The software includes a google map with all sites ‘Geo-tagged’. The software is a flexible system which allows the user to display, search and export data in a variety of formats. The information is the same just displayed in different formats.

For each site, a folder contains reports, plans, and documents for easy access of all relevant, live data for that site.  There is also a ‘Summary’ option, which will display a simple overview.


Online asbestos management allows for efficient and cohesive management of asbestos within properties. It is particularly beneficial for complex sites or larger property portfolios. The centralised, cloud-based system allows for direct access to all or specific data, online.

This makes it the ideal solution for the effective asbestos management of large property portfolios including:

Retail and Commercial premises



Facilities Management

It is also designed to ensure effective asbestos management on large industrial sites and factories with multiple, often complex buildings and sites.

Online Asbestos Register

The system allows clients to maintain a live asbestos register- all information is automatically updated as new data is inputted against any site. This mitigates the need for manual updating of an asbestos register, which is both time consuming and prone to human error.

The system will display the current asbestos register for each site. This register will remain current, displaying latest survey and/or reinspection data. There are also additional tabs that show removed items, no accessed gained areas and several other useful sets of information.

This function removes the requirement to have printed reports and asbestos register, as the register and supporting report documents can be accessed online.

In addition to the individual registers it is possible to produce a full register for the whole portfolio. This can be collated by product type, risk score or any of the other searchable parameters.

It is possible to export the register data, either for individual sites or across the portfolio. This is produced as a data report and can be downloaded in many formats including a CSV file.

Security and User Access


alphaTracker is hosted on a secure external server which is backed up and GDPR compliant.

Each user (or group of users) can a specific login and password. The access capabilities can be restricted for each group, allowing a tiered access system to be set-up. For Example:

Management – Full Access & Edit Rights

Project team – Full Access – Data Upload only

The system also has an IP Log, so it is possible to check if, for example, contractors have been checking registers prior to works.

Data & Notifications

All survey and reinspection information is stored as data within the programme (in addition to the PDF reports). The data held includes the asbestos information such as product type, asbestos type and MRA scores. It includes other survey information like non-asbestos building materials, no accessed areas and relevant dates.

As the information is stored as data it enables flags to be set (eg. next reinspection due) and detailed searches to be carried out for relevant management information. These are marked with a traffic light colour system, which indicates whether they are in date, coming up for reinspection shortly, or overdue. The flagging system also allows for the data to be emailed automatically as a notification to relevant persons.

There are pre-programmed reports available, but it is also possible to have bespoke reports created to suit every clients individual requirements.

Useful reports include:

Company-wide Asbestos Register

High Risk Materials

Reinspections Due

Survey Undertaken This Month

EMS Provide Complete Portfolio Management Solution

Once established all surveys and re inspections completed by EMS will be automatically updated. Any information received from a third party can be uploaded and managed by EMS.

On an ongoing basis EMS ensure that property lists are current, that the correct data is available and that the portal is updated as required as part of our management role.

We are here to assist you with the implementation of a cohesive and efficient way to manage asbestos online.

here to assist you from initial risk assessment through to ongoing management and remediation

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