The system allows clients to maintain a live asbestos register- all information is automatically updated as new data is inputted against any site. This mitigates the need for manual updating of an asbestos register, which is both time consuming and prone to human error.
The system will display the current asbestos register for each site. This register will remain current, displaying latest survey and/or reinspection data. There are also additional tabs that show removed items, no accessed gained areas and several other useful sets of information.
This function removes the requirement to have printed reports and asbestos register, as the register and supporting report documents can be accessed online.
In addition to the individual registers it is possible to produce a full register for the whole portfolio. This can be collated by product type, risk score or any of the other searchable parameters.
It is possible to export the register data, either for individual sites or across the portfolio. This is produced as a data report and can be downloaded in many formats including a CSV file.