Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys


Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys


What is a Asbestos Refurbishment Survey?

Asbestos refurbishment surveys are targeted inspections conducted before renovation, refurbishment or significant structural works are undertaken to locate asbestos-containing materials that may be disturbed. The refurbishment survey involves more intrusive methods to access all areas affected by the refurbishment works, unlike an asbestos management survey which is a visual inspection to locate and assess Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) and less intrusive. It is also different to an asbestos demolition survey, which is a fully intrusive survey and required to be conducted before full building demolition.


An asbestos refurbishment survey is essential to ensure the safety of workers before any renovation work that could disturb asbestos-containing materials. It helps prevent harmful exposure to asbestos fibres by identifying asbestos prior to work commencing in the affected areas. In the UK, the (CAR 2012) enforces the legal requirement for a refurbishment asbestos survey before refurbishment or demolition. Compliance with CAR 2012 ensures safety and prevents legal and financial consequences from asbestos exposure during building, refurbishment or remedial works and projects.

When do you need an Asbestos Refurbishment Survey?

Before any renovation, refurbishment or structural alteration work in buildings constructed before asbestos was banned in 1999 can commence, a full survey must be conducted. This survey is required when the planned work could disturb areas where ACMs may be found. It's particularly necessary when the work involves demolishing or altering parts of the building that have not been previously assessed.


A qualified asbestos surveyor conducts a thorough and intrusive inspection of the building areas that will be affected by renovation or refurbishment. This involves accessing hidden spaces, such as behind walls, voids, floors and ceilings. A refurbishment asbestos survey may involve minor demolition to reach concealed areas, ensuring all potential material risks are identified. Samples of suspected materials will be taken for laboratory analysis in a UKAS accredited laboratory, to confirm the presence of asbestos. Once identified, a full report is provided outlining the locations of ACMs, which must then be safely removed or managed before refurbishment works can begin.

How much does an Asbestos Refurbishment Survey cost?

The cost of an asbestos refurbishment survey in the UK typically ranges from £200 to £800, depending on factors such as the size, age, use and complexity of the building. Costs may increase in larger or older properties due to the need for more extensive surveying, whilst the need for multiple sample analyses and accessibility challenges can also affect pricing. To get an accurate quote of how much an asbestos refurbishment survey will cost for your project, reach out to our consultants at EMS Asbestos.


If asbestos is found during a survey, it must be safely removed or managed before any refurbishment work proceeds. EMS is able to assist with consultancy on remedial or removal projects. EMS can provide consultancy including scope of works for removal, writing tender documents and managing removal projects. EMS also provides asbestos air testing, 4 Stage Clearance and certificates of reoccupation.

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